#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Mon Aug 21 14:59:22 2023 @author: timofej """ import json import math as m import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm from datetime import datetime from random import sample as choose from plot import qtplot eps_space = list(np.linspace(0.01,0.2,20)) def resultant(sample): phase_x = [m.cos(ind) for ind in sample] phase_y = [m.sin(ind) for ind in sample] return (np.average(phase_x), np.average(phase_y)) def H2(x): return -x*m.log2(x)-(1-x)*m.log2(1-x) extremes = 50000 maxdt = 500 for dim in [7]: for eps in eps_space: path=f'/cloud/Public/_data/neuropercolation/4lay/cons=14_steps=1000100/dim={dim:02}/batch=0/' try: with open(path+f"eps={round(eps,3):.3f}_phase_diff.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: phase_diff = json.load(f) except: with open(path+f"eps={round(eps,3):.3f}_activation.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: activation = json.load(f)[100:] osc = list(zip(*activation)) phase = np.array([[np.arctan2(*act[::-1]) for act in osc[i]] for i in range(2)]) phase_diff = (phase[1]-phase[0]+m.pi)%(2*m.pi)-m.pi with open(path+f"eps={round(eps,3):.3f}_phase_diff.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(list(phase_diff), f, indent=1) all_res = norm(resultant(phase_diff)) try: with open(path+f"eps={round(eps,3):.3f}_channelsum.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: chasum = json.load(f) except: with open(path+f"eps={round(eps,3):.3f}_channels.txt", 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: channels = json.load(f)[100:] chasum = [int(np.sum(cha)) for cha in channels] with open(path+f"eps={round(eps,3):.3f}_channelsum.txt", 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: json.dump(chasum, f, indent=1) maxchas = max(chasum) res = [norm(resultant([pha for i, pha in enumerate(phase_diff) if chasum[i]==n])) for n in range(maxchas+1) if len([pha for i, pha in enumerate(phase_diff) if chasum[i]==n])>=20] #dist = [len([pha for i, pha in enumerate(phase_diff) if chasum[i]==n]) for n in range(maxchas+1)] qtplot(f'Channel-Resultant for dim={dim}', [list(range(len(res)))], [res], [f'Resultant against open channels'], x_tag = 'open channels', y_tag = 'resultant', export=True, path=path, filename=f'Channel-Resultant eps={round(eps,3):.3f} dim={dim}.png', close=True) print(f'Done eps={eps:.3f} with dim={dim} at {datetime.now()}') # qtplot(f'Resultant and EI evolution for dim={dim} with 4 layers', # [[0]+eps_space]*2, # [max(av_ei)*diff_res, av_ei], # ['Resultant', 'avEI'], # export=True, # path=path, # filename=f'Resultant and EI for dim={dim}.png', # close=True)