@book{barrat2008, title={Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks}, author={Barrat, A. and Barth{\'e}lemy, M. and Vespignani, A.}, isbn={9781107377424}, url={https://books.google.pt/books?id=fUAhAwAAQBAJ}, year={2008}, publisher={Cambridge University Press} } @article{Varela2001, title={The brainweb: Phase synchronization and large-scale integration}, author={Francisco J. Varela and Jean-Philippe Lachaux and Eugenio Rodriguez and Jacques Martinerie}, journal={Nature Reviews Neuroscience}, year={2001}, volume={2}, pages={229-239} } @article{Carmichael2002, title={Synchronous Neuronal Activity Is a Signal for Axonal Sprouting after Cortical Lesions in the Adult}, author={S. Thomas Carmichael and M. -F. Chesselet}, journal={The Journal of Neuroscience}, year={2002}, volume={22}, pages={6062 - 6070} } @ARTICLE{Otsuka2000, author = {{Otsuka}, Kenju and {Kawai}, Ryoji and {Hwong}, Siao-Lung and {Ko}, Jing-Yuan and {Chern}, Jyh-Long}, title = "{Synchronization of Mutually Coupled Self-Mixing Modulated Lasers}", journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, year = {2000}, month = {apr}, volume = {84}, number = {14}, pages = {3049-3052}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.84.3049}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2000PhRvL..84.3049O}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } @ARTICLE{Hansel1992, author = {{Hansel}, D. and {Sompolinsky}, H.}, title = "{Synchronization and computation in a chaotic neural network}", journal = {Phys. Rev. Lett.}, keywords = {87.10.+e, 05.45.+b, General theory and mathematical aspects}, year = 1992, month = feb, volume = {68}, number = {5}, pages = {718-721}, doi = {10.1103/PhysRevLett.68.718}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1992PhRvL..68..718H}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } @ARTICLE{Glass2001, author = {{Glass}, Leon}, title = "{Synchronization and rhythmic processes in physiology}", journal = {Nature}, year = 2001, month = mar, volume = {410}, number = {6825}, pages = {277-284}, doi = {10.1038/35065745}, adsurl = {https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2001Natur.410..277G}, adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System} } @article{BIEBERICH2002145, title = {Recurrent fractal neural networks: a strategy for the exchange of local and global information processing in the brain}, journal = {Biosystems}, volume = {66}, number = {3}, pages = {145-164}, year = {2002}, issn = {0303-2647}, doi = {https://doi.org/10.1016/S0303-2647(02)00040-0}, url = {https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303264702000400}, author = {Erhard Bieberich}, keywords = {Networks, Fractal, Brain, Mind, Consciousness, Neuron}, abstract = {The regulation of biological networks relies significantly on convergent feedback signaling loops that render a global output locally accessible. Ideally, the recurrent connectivity within these systems is self-organized by a time-dependent phase-locking mechanism. This study analyzes recurrent fractal neural networks (RFNNs), which utilize a self-similar or fractal branching structure of dendrites and downstream networks for phase-locking of reciprocal feedback loops: output from outer branch nodes of the network tree enters inner branch nodes of the dendritic tree in single neurons. This structural organization enables RFNNs to amplify re-entrant input by over-the-threshold signal summation from feedback loops with equivalent signal traveling times. The columnar organization of pyramidal neurons in the neocortical layers V and III is discussed as the structural substrate for this network architecture. RFNNs self-organize spike trains and render the entire neural network output accessible to the dendritic tree of each neuron within this network. As the result of a contraction mapping operation, the local dendritic input pattern contains a downscaled version of the network output coding structure. RFNNs perform robust, fractal data compression, thus coping with a limited number of feedback loops for signal transport in convergent neural networks. This property is discussed as a significant step toward the solution of a fundamental problem in neuroscience: how is neuronal computation in separate neurons and remote brain areas unified as an instance of experience in consciousness? RFNNs are promising candidates for engaging neural networks into a coherent activity and provide a strategy for the exchange of global and local information processing in the human brain, thereby ensuring the completeness of a transformation from neuronal computation into conscious experience.} } @incollection{Chalmers2000, title = {What is a Neural Correlate of Consciousness?}, booktitle = {Neural Correlates of Consciousness}, author = {David J. Chalmers}, publisher = {MIT Press}, year = {2000}, editor = {Thomas Metzinger} } @inproceedings{Crick1990, title={Towards a neurobiological theory of consciousness}, author={Crick, Francis and Koch, Christof}, booktitle={Seminars in the Neurosciences (Vol.2)}, year={1990}, organization={Saunders Scientific Publications} } @article{Hidaka2018, doi = {10.1371/journal.pone.0201126}, author = {Hidaka, Shohei AND Oizumi, Masafumi}, journal = {PLOS ONE}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, title = {Fast and exact search for the partition with minimal information loss}, year = {2018}, month = {09}, volume = {13}, url = {https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0201126}, pages = {1-14}, number = {9}, } @Article{Mediano2019, AUTHOR = {Mediano, Pedro A.M. and Seth, Anil K. and Barrett, Adam B.}, TITLE = {Measuring Integrated Information: Comparison of Candidate Measures in Theory and Simulation}, JOURNAL = {Entropy}, VOLUME = {21}, YEAR = {2019}, NUMBER = {1}, ARTICLE-NUMBER = {17}, URL = {https://www.mdpi.com/1099-4300/21/1/17}, ISSN = {1099-4300} } @incollection{ENGEL2016, title = {Chapter 3 - Neuronal Oscillations, Coherence, and Consciousness}, editor = {Steven Laureys and Olivia Gosseries and Giulio Tononi}, booktitle = {The Neurology of Conciousness (Second Edition)}, publisher = {Academic Press}, edition = {Second Edition}, address = {San Diego}, pages = {49-60}, year = {2016}, author = {Andreas K. Engel and Pascal Fries}} @article{FRIES2015, title = {Rhythms for Cognition: Communication through Coherence}, journal = {Neuron}, volume = {88}, number = {1}, pages = {220-235}, year = {2015}, author = {Pascal Fries} } @article{OIZUMI2014, author = {Oizumi, Masafumi AND Albantakis, Larissa AND Tononi, Giulio}, journal = {PLOS Computational Biology}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, title = {From the Phenomenology to the Mechanisms of Consciousness: Integrated Information Theory 3.0}, year = {2014}, month = {05}, volume = {10}, pages = {1-25}, number = {5} } @article{DOERIG2019, title = {The unfolding argument: Why IIT and other causal structure theories cannot explain consciousness}, author = {Doerig, Adrien and Schurger, Aaron and Hess, Kathryn and Herzog, Michael H.}, journal = {Consciousness and Cognition}, volume = {72}, year = {2019} } @book{BARRAT2008, title={Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks}, author={Barrat, A. and Barth{\'e}lemy, M. and Vespignani, A.}, year={2008}, publisher={Cambridge University Press} } @article{Tononi2004, title={An information integration theory of consciousness}, author={Giulio Tononi}, journal={BMC Neuroscience}, year={2004}, volume={5}, pages={42 - 42} } @article{Rezaei2020, author = {Rezaei, Hedyeh AND Aertsen, Ad AND Kumar, Arvind AND Valizadeh, Alireza}, journal = {PLOS Computational Biology}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, title = {Facilitating the propagation of spiking activity in feedforward networks by including feedback}, year = {2020}, month = {08}, volume = {16}, pages = {1-27}, number = {8} } @book{BARRAT2008, title={Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks}, author={Barrat, A. and Barth{\'e}lemy, M. and Vespignani, A.}, year={2008}, publisher={Cambridge University Press} } @ARTICLE{LLINAS2014, AUTHOR={LlinĂ¡s, Rodolfo R.}, TITLE={Intrinsic electrical properties of mammalian neurons and CNS function: a historical perspective}, JOURNAL={Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience}, YEAR={2014} } @article{Mayner2018, author = {Mayner, William G. P. AND Marshall, William AND Albantakis, Larissa AND Findlay, Graham AND Marchman, Robert AND Tononi, Giulio}, journal = {PLOS Computational Biology}, publisher = {Public Library of Science}, title = {PyPhi: A toolbox for integrated information theory}, year = {2018}, month = {07}, volume = {14}, pages = {1-21}, number = {7} } @article{Hahn2014CommunicationTR, title={Communication through Resonance in Spiking Neuronal Networks}, author={Gerald Hahn and Alejandro F. Bujan and Yves Fr{\'e}gnac and Ad Aertsen and Arvind Kumar}, journal={PLoS Computational Biology}, year={2014}, volume={10} } @article{Fries2005AMF, title={A mechanism for cognitive dynamics: neuronal communication through neuronal coherence}, author={Pascal Fries}, journal={Trends in Cognitive Sciences}, year={2005}, volume={9}, pages={474-480}, url={} } @book{neuroscience6th, title = {Neuroscience}, edition = {Sixth}, editor = {Purves, Dale and Augustine, George J. and Fitzpatrick, David and Hall, William C. and LaMantia, Anthony-Samuel and Mooney, Richard D. and Platt, Michael L. and White, Leonard E.}, year = {2017}, publisher = {Sinauer Associates}, address = {Sunderland, MA}, isbn = {9781605353807}, pages = {960}, month = {October 12}, } @article{Bennett2020AnAA, title={An Attempt at a Unified Theory of the Neocortical Microcircuit in Sensory Cortex}, author={Max Bennett}, journal={Frontiers in Neural Circuits}, year={2020}, volume={14}, url={} } @article{vanKerkoerle2014AlphaAG, title={Alpha and gamma oscillations characterize feedback and feedforward processing in monkey visual cortex}, author={Timo van Kerkoerle and Matthew W. Self and Bruno Dagnino and Marie-Alice Gariel-Mathis and Jasper Poort and Chris van der Togt and Pieter R. 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Mej{\'i}as and John D. Murray and Henry Kennedy and Xiao-Jing Wang}, journal={Science Advances}, year={2016}, volume={2}, url={} } @article{Rezaei2019FacilitatingTP, title={Facilitating the propagation of spiking activity in feedforward networks by including feedback}, author={Hedyeh Rezaei and Ad Aertsen and Alireza Valizadeh and Arvind Kumar}, journal={PLoS Computational Biology}, year={2019}, volume={16}, url={} } @article{Hahn2014CommunicationTR, title={Communication through Resonance in Spiking Neuronal Networks}, author={Gerald Hahn and Alejandro F. Bujan and Yves Fr{\'e}gnac and Ad Aertsen and Arvind Kumar}, journal={PLoS Computational Biology}, year={2014}, volume={10}, url={} } @article{Jensen2014HumanBO, title={Human Brain Oscillations: From Physiological Mechanisms to Analysis and Cognition}, author={Ole Jensen and Eelke Spaak and Johanna M. 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