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158 lines
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Copyright 2019 Richard Feistenauer
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from typing import Sequence
import abc
import itertools
import recordclass
from cellular_automaton import Neighborhood
CELL = recordclass.make_dataclass("Cell",
("state", "is_active", "is_dirty", "neighbors"),
defaults=((0, ), True, True, (None, )))
class CellularAutomatonCreator(abc.ABC):
""" Creates a cellular automaton from a dimension and a neighborhood definition """
def __init__(self,
neighborhood: Neighborhood,
*args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._dimension = dimension
self._neighborhood = neighborhood
self._current_state = {}
self._next_state = {}
def get_dimension(self):
return self._dimension
dimension = property(get_dimension)
def __make_cellular_automaton_state(self):
def __make_cells(self):
for coord in itertools.product(*[range(d) for d in self._dimension]):
cell_state = self.init_cell_state(coord)
self._current_state[coord] = CELL(cell_state)
self._next_state[coord] = CELL(cell_state)
def __add_neighbors(self):
calculate_neighbor_coordinates = self._neighborhood.calculate_cell_neighbor_coordinates
coordinates = self._current_state.keys()
for coordinate, cell_c, cell_n in zip(coordinates, self._current_state.values(), self._next_state.values()):
n_coord = calculate_neighbor_coordinates(coordinate, self._dimension)
cell_c.neighbors = list([self._current_state[nc] for nc in n_coord])
cell_n.neighbors = list([self._next_state[nc] for nc in n_coord])
def init_cell_state(self, cell_coordinate: Sequence) -> Sequence: # pragma: no cover
""" Will be called to initialize a cells state.
:param cell_coordinate: Cells coordinate.
:return: Iterable that represents the initial cell state
raise NotImplementedError
class CellularAutomaton(CellularAutomatonCreator, abc.ABC):
This class represents a cellular automaton.
It can be created with n dimensions and can handle different neighborhood definitions.
:param dimension: Iterable of len = dimensions
(e.g. [4, 3, 3, 3] = 4 x 3 x 3 x 3 cells in a four dimensional cube).
:param neighborhood: Defines which cells are considered neighbors.
def __init__(self, neighborhood: Neighborhood, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(neighborhood=neighborhood, *args, **kwargs)
self._evolution_step = 0
self._active = True
def is_active(self):
return self._active
def reactivate(self):
""" Sets all cells active again """
for cell in self._current_state.values():
cell.is_active = True
cell.is_dirty = True
self._active = True
active = property(is_active)
def get_cells(self):
return self._current_state
def set_cells(self, cells):
""" Sets the cell states both as current and next states """
for (coordinate, c_cell), n_cell in zip(self._current_state.items(), self._next_state.values()):
new_cell_state = cells[coordinate].state
c_cell.state = new_cell_state
n_cell.state = new_cell_state
cells = property(get_cells, set_cells)
def get_evolution_step(self):
return self._evolution_step
evolution_step = property(get_evolution_step)
def evolve(self, times=1):
""" Evolve all cells x times.
:param times: The number of evolution steps processed with one call of this method.
for _ in itertools.repeat(None, times):
self._active = False
self.__evolve_cells(self._current_state, self._next_state)
self._current_state, self._next_state = self._next_state, self._current_state
self._evolution_step += 1
def __evolve_cells(self, this_state, next_state):
evolve_cell = self.__evolve_cell
evolution_rule = self.evolve_rule
for old, new in zip(this_state.values(), next_state.values()):
if old.is_active:
new_state = evolution_rule(old.state, [n.state for n in old.neighbors])
old.is_active = False
evolve_cell(old, new, new_state)
def __evolve_cell(self, old, cell, new_state):
changed = new_state != old.state
cell.state = new_state
cell.is_dirty |= changed
old.is_dirty |= changed
self._active |= changed
if changed:
cell.is_active = True
for n in cell.neighbors:
n.is_active = True
def evolve_rule(self, last_cell_state: Sequence, neighbors_last_states: Sequence) -> Sequence: # pragma: no cover
""" Calculates and sets new state of 'cell'.
A cells evolution will only be called if it or at least one of its neighbors has changed last evolution_step.
:param last_cell_state: The cells state previous to the evolution step.
:param neighbors_last_states: The cells neighbors current states.
:return: New state. The state after this evolution step
raise NotImplementedError